Student Nurse, prn

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day 2..........My signs and symptoms are ....

...nausea, sleeplessness, gastritis, anorexia, irritability, drowsiness, tachycardia, hypertension, increased respirations, headache, ALOC, and diarrhea.

Question: What do I have? (scroll down)


  • Hey SVN,
    Sounds like you are in rough shape. Try to hang in there. Like your post title says, JUST 2 DAYS LEFT!! and you are free....well, temporarily anyway.

    Once you have taken the test and it is over, and you are walking out of that room, it will feel like the 300lb gorilla has finally been nice enough to step off of your shoulders....until next semester. :-)

    I'm pulling for ya!

    Dustin B.

    By Blogger Dustin, at 12:22 PM  

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